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Walking in the Light

As I read through the latest Bible study I am working on, the session for this past week focused on Jesus' statement of, “I AM the Light of the World,” I found myself particularly drawn to one of the questions asked. It reads, “Let’s be honest here for a minute. In what areas of your life do you feel like you are in darkness?”

That’s a big question. Have you ever been tempted to answer questions in your study book as if someone else was going to read the answer?

After spending a few minutes pondering the question, I decided that this was not the place to be anything but honest. Recently, I realized that I need more healing from a painful experience I had last year. I have not wanted to admit how deeply I was hurt by the situation, and have wanted to pretend like “it is what it is,” and move on. But taking that attitude, rather than being candid and forthright (not to mention seeking counsel and prayer) would keep me in the darkness where authenticity is greatly lacking. And I want that pain exposed, and I want to work through it, and I definitely want it gone because that is the ONLY way to truly walk in the light that Jesus desires for my life…for all of our lives.

I hope that you can ask yourself that question, and I hope that you are brave enough to be completely honest in your answer to that question. I hope that you see how much the Light can expunge the darkness, and where the Light is, there is true freedom—for healing, for recovery, for forgiveness, for blessing.

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