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Good Gifts

It’s been almost a month since I splurged on a brand new Keurig™ machine. If you aren’t familiar with this product, it is a coffee maker designed for a single cup of coffee, using a pre-filled coffee pack called a K-Cup™. The idea is you pop a K-Cup™ into the top of the machine, place your coffee cup on the splash tray, and press a button. Just a few seconds later, you have a fresh steaming cup of coffee with no messy cleanup of filters, etc.

Although I bought the machine over a month ago, I hadn’t opened it until last weekend. My sister was over helping me prepare for a family dinner, and I joked with her that I’d need for her to open it up and “figure it out,” just so I could get a cup of coffee every now and then. Well, as a coffee lover herself, she was game to give it a whirl, and she went through all of steps of reading directions, preparing the water filter, and brewing the first cup of hot water to fully ready the machine for coffee drinking. I had purchased a special pack of K-Cups™ that had butter toffee flavored coffee in them. Well, when we tried this new way of coffee, I have to tell you I wanted to kick myself for having waited a month before opening this incredible gift! I thought about all the mornings of beautiful coffee splendor that I let slide by because I simply hadn’t opened the box. After drinking the delicious butter toffee coffee herself, my sister exclaimed that a Keurig™ just might be her next purchase, too. Starbucks may see a decline in their profits this next quarter.

God has gifts for you. He has gifts for those around you. He’s just waiting for us to unwrap them! You may be able to recall a time you have been given a gift but you were hesitant to open it. Sometimes those gifts can look like a plain ol’ box. You think you have the basic idea of what’s inside, so you’re not in a hurry. But like my experience with my new coffee maker, when it is finally opened you are wondering why you waited so long! Did I mention that the box also contained a variety of 60 K-Cups as a free bonus? That’s just like our God—He is really good about throwing in a few unexpected bonuses, too! And they’re usually much better than a variety of coffee flavors.

“Every good gift bestowed, every perfect gift received comes to us from above,

courtesy of the Father of lights. He is consistent.

He won’t change His mind or play tricks in the shadows." –James 1:17, The Voice

So whether you’re like me, and are wondering what God has in store for you or you’re like my sister who is game to help someone unwrap what God has in store for them, the rewards will be amazing! He is the Giver of all good things—taste and see that today!

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