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Injection Hangover

There are days when the DMDs feel like WMDs. Today is one of those days.

For those of you that don’t know, DMD=disease modifying drugs. Hopefully I do not have to tell you what WMDs mean.

Every time I start to think that Tuesday is the worst day ever because it’s the morning after my first injection of the week, along comes Thursday to show her stuff. When I woke up today, I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck. Wow. I have a hangover from Wednesday night and I didn’t even party.

Seven years into injection therapy, I often think I’m “used to it.” But the truth is you never “get used to” living with a chronic illness. You never “get used to” staying on therapy and dealing with the side effects—no matter how minor.

Yes, I know I have to stay on therapy. That’s not the decision I’m struggling with at all. I can proudly say I’ve never missed an injection. I’m a neurologist’s dream—literally, one of the most low maintenance patients ever. But on days like today, I want to be high maintenance. I want to kick and scream, and shout in my most annoying Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop impression, “It’s not fair! It’s not F-A-I-R fair.”

Yes, I know it could be worse. I could be dealing with the big C. I could be dealing with a chronic illness that can’t be managed. But today—this Thursday—it doesn’t feel like it could be worse.

And, yes—tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow, I will not feel like I do today.

P.S. I loved Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop. I personally do not think they were annoying.

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