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Stale Chips

The familiar sight greets me once again as I set my purse down on the counter. The bag of potato chips has probably sat there all day – top open.

No amount of preservatives can compete with that. Although there are a number of things more disappointing than stale chips, I’m not thinking of them right now. Instead I am focused on the $4.79 that I am now tossing into the garbage.

Sigh. Will I ever have fresh snacks? Snacks not invaded by three sets of grubby hands that have seen everything from earthworms to oleander bushes to muddy baseballs all in the course of an ordinary day.

Yes. I will have fresh snacks someday—the someday that means I’m packing up boys for college, or watching them drive off with their truck loaded down with prized possessions that include work uniforms, sports trophies, and a new pair of cowboy boots. The someday that was like today when my oldest son took his first load to his new home, 70 miles away.

I drag that $4.79 right back out of the trash. Popping a chip into my mouth, I realize that I can live with stale snacks. For now.

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